senior man running

Total Gym for Seniors: Stay Active and Fit in Your Golden Years

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As we age, it becomes increasingly important to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle, and a Total Gym for seniors is a great way to exercise at home.

Regular exercise can help seniors improve their physical and mental well-being, reduce the risk of chronic diseases, and improve their overall quality of life. 

One piece of equipment that can help seniors achieve these goals is the Total Gym. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a Total Gym for seniors, and how it can help them stay active and fit in their golden years.

The Best Total Gym for Seniors – Total Gym FIT


  • Huge variety with over 85 exercises
  • High 450-lb load capacity allows use of weights
  • 12 resistance levels
  • Ab-Crunch and upgraded squat stand included
  • Easy to fold


  • More for toning than building muscle

The Total Gym FIT is a great piece of home gym equipment. It’s super solid, incredibly versatile, and a joy to use.

If you are a senior looking to exercise at home this is the perfect piece of equipment to work your way to improved fitness and a happier, healthier you.

John’s Story

My body had grown weary with age, and the simple act of staying active had become a daunting task.

I longed to keep my muscles strong and maintain my independence, but traditional exercise seemed too strenuous and risky for my fragile frame.

In my search for a solution, I stumbled upon a Total Gym. It promised a low-impact workout, tailored to suit the needs of older adults like myself. Intrigued and hopeful, I decided to give it a shot.

Bringing the Total Gym into my home felt like welcoming a newfound companion. Its versatile design and adjustable resistance gave me a sense of control over my workouts.

I could start with gentle exercises and gradually increase the intensity as I felt comfortable.

As I began using the Total Gym, I realized the immense impact it had on my physical well-being.

The various exercises allowed me to target different muscle groups, strengthening my body without putting excessive strain on my joints.

The machine’s smooth gliding motion and supportive padding provided the perfect combination of comfort and challenge.

With each passing day, I felt my strength returning. My muscles regained their tone, and I noticed a marked improvement in my balance and flexibility.

Climbing stairs became easier, and I no longer needed assistance for everyday tasks. The Total Gym had become my secret weapon for maintaining my independence and vitality.

Beyond the physical benefits, the Total Gym had also transformed my mindset. It became my daily ritual, a time of self-care and empowerment.

As I pushed myself to try new exercises and reach new goals, I discovered a sense of accomplishment and resilience that transcended age.

The Total Gym became my fountain of youth, allowing me to embrace life with newfound vigor.

It provided a safe and effective way for me to stay active, preserve my muscle strength, and navigate the challenges of aging.

I am forever grateful for the Total Gym, as it has not only transformed my physical well-being but also rekindled a sense of joy and vitality in my golden years.

Total Gym XLS in use

Benefits of Using a Total Gym for Seniors

The Total Gym is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used to target a wide range of muscle groups and fitness goals. Some of the benefits of using a Total Gym for seniors include:

Low-Impact Exercise: One of the main benefits of using a Total Gym for seniors is that it is a low-impact form of exercise. This means that it is easy on the joints and less likely to cause injury, making it a great option for anyone who has mobility or balance issues.

Full-Body Workouts: The Total Gym allows seniors to perform a wide range of exercises that target the major muscle groups in the body. This means that seniors can get a full-body workout in one session, which can help them improve their overall fitness level.

Flexibility and Strength Training: The Total Gym enables you to perform exercises that target both flexibility and strength. This can help seniors improve their range of motion, balance, and muscle tone.

Cardiovascular Training: A Total Gym also helps older athletes to perform cardio exercises such as rowing and cycling. This can help seniors improve their cardiovascular fitness and endurance.

Total Gym is great for seniors who want a low-impact workout at home. The other home gym that is worth considering is Bowflex for seniors, this is probably better suited to people who want to push themselves a bit harder or who already have a decent level of strength/fitness.

You also need a dedicated space to have a Bowflex machine at home since it can’t be folded away like a Total Gym.

Best Total Gym for Seniors

The table below highlights the main differences between our two favorite Total Gyms.

The Total Gym Fit is a bit more expensive but you can do more exercises on it and it has a higher weight limit and a better warranty.

It is also more stable which will give you greater confidence in the machine while exercising and when getting on and off it.

For this reason, we recommend the Total Gym FIT as the best total gym for seniors, you can get yours here.

Total Gym FIT is a little bit more expensive but I think that it is well worth the extra.

They are both great machines so either will help you to improve your fitness. You can read a full comparison here Total Gym Fit vs XLS

Total Gym FITTotal Gym XLS
Total Gym XLS Review
Resistance Levels126
Leg Pull
Upgraded Squat Stand
2-piece Wing Attachment
Leg Pull
Ribbed Squat Stand
Wing Attachment
Weight Capacity450 lb400 lb
WarrantyLifetime frame, 2 year partsLifetime frame, 6 month parts
Check Price Here
Check Price Here

How to Use the Total Gym Safely

While the Total Gym is a great piece of equipment for seniors, it is important to use it safely to avoid injury. Here are a few tips for using a Total Gym safely:

Start with a lower resistance level: It is important to start with a lower resistance level and gradually increase it as you become stronger and more comfortable with the exercises.

Use proper form: It is important to use proper form when performing exercises on a Total Gym. Make sure to keep your back straight, engage your core, and breathe properly.

Be aware of your limits: It is important to be aware of your limits and not push yourself too hard. If you feel pain or discomfort, stop the exercise and consult with your doctor.

Consult with your doctor: Before starting any new exercise program, it is important to consult with your doctor to ensure that it is safe for you.

Total Gym Exercises for Seniors

The Total Gym is a versatile piece of equipment that can be used for a wide range of exercises, making it a great option for seniors looking to stay active and fit.

Some exercises that are particularly beneficial for seniors include:

  • Squats: Squats are a great way to strengthen the legs and improve balance. To perform squats on the Total Gym, set the incline level to a moderate level and place your feet on the glideboard. Slowly lower your body down, keeping your back straight and your knees behind your toes. Push back up to the starting position. Repeat for several repetitions.

  • Leg Press: The leg press is another exercise that can help to strengthen the legs and improve balance. To perform the leg press on the Total Gym, set the incline level to a moderate level and place your feet on the glideboard. Slowly push the glideboard away from your body, using your legs to push. Slowly release back to the starting position. Repeat for several repetitions.

  • Bicep Curls: Bicep curls are a great way to strengthen the upper body and improve overall arm strength. To perform bicep curls on the Total Gym, set the incline level to a moderate level and place your feet on the glideboard. Hold onto the handles and slowly curl your arms up towards your shoulders. Slowly release back to the starting position. Repeat for several repetitions.

  • Tricep Dips: Tricep dips are a great exercise for strengthening the upper body, particularly the triceps. To perform tricep dips on the Total Gym, set the incline level to a moderate level and place your hands on the glideboard. Lower your body down by bending your elbows, keeping your back close to the glideboard. Push back up to the starting position. Repeat for several repetitions.

Overall, the Total Gym is a great option for seniors looking to stay active and fit (you may also want to consider a treadmill for seniors).

With a wide range of exercises available and the ability to adjust the incline level for different levels of difficulty, the Total Gym can be tailored to meet the needs of seniors at all fitness levels.

Seniors Using Total Gym

Chuck Norris on his Total Gym FIT

Chuck Norris is probably the senior that is most famous for using a Total Gym (he’s 82 now), but there are seniors that benefit from regular workouts on a Total Gym.

Of course, there is the still stunning Christie Brinkley who uses her Total Gym for 15 minutes every day.

Christie Brinkley

Other famous users include Wesley Snipes and Olivia Newton-John.

But really it’s the thousands of happy users that you have never heard of that show the real benefit of using a Total Gym

Is Total Gym Good for Seniors?

The Total Gym is an excellent piece of equipment for seniors, providing a wide range of low-impact exercises that can be tailored to meet individual needs and abilities. 

Staying active and fit in your golden years is essential for maintaining good health and overall well-being and the Total Gym is a perfect way to achieve this with just one piece of equipment.

The Total Gym provides low-impact exercises, adjustable resistance levels (so you can start with a lower level and work your way up as your fitness improves), and a variety of attachments and accessories.

If you’re looking to start exercising after neglecting your body for a few years then a Total Gym is perfect. You can start on an easy level and build your way up as your strength improves.

Plus, as it is low impact, exercising on a Total Gym is easier on your joints and muscles than many other forms of exercise.

In this way, Total Gym can help seniors improve their overall fitness, strength, and flexibility.

And don’t worry the compact and easy-to-use design makes it a great option for those with limited space or who prefer their home to look like a home rather than a gym!

Oh and if you are a multi-generational household then fear not, the Total Gym is not just for seniors, it’s for people of all ages looking for a full-body workout.

So why wait? Get your Total Gym today and start enjoying the benefits of regular exercise and a healthier lifestyle.

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