I Have tried all the Best Sole Treadmills – which should you buy?

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Let’s take a look at the best Sole treadmills!

As someone who has tested and reviewed loads of fitness products, including treadmills, I understand the overwhelming experience of sifting through endless specs and tech features when it comes to buying a new treadmill.

Sole Fitness offers a selection of high-quality treadmills, but with most of them being remarkably similar, it can be difficult to determine which one is the best fit for your needs.

Luckily, I have had hands-on experience with a bunch of Sole treadmills and have conducted in-depth research on the other models.

MY Top pick

Sole F80

Quiet, powerful, and equipped with premium features, the Sole F80 Treadmill is my top choice.

You get a lot for your money – large running surface, big motor, good warranty, and high weight capacity.

I think it’s the best value of all the Sole treadmills.

Sole Treadmills In Brief

I tried out all seven models and analyzed their features.

  • The F85 has the largest running surface, perfect for taller individuals.
  • The F65 is the most affordable and has a strong motor.
  • The TT9 has a touch screen display and built-in workout programs.
  • The S77 has Bluetooth connectivity for audio and heart rate monitoring.
  • The S77E has a built-in TV and speakers for entertainment.
  • The TT8 has adjustable cushioning for a comfortable workout.
  • The TT9G has a unique incline range for a challenging workout.

As a general rule, you always know that Sole treadmills will have impressive features for their price range.

Which Sole Treadmill Should You Buy?

Are you looking for a Sole treadmill that can help you achieve your fitness goals without breaking the bank?

Sole Fitness has two main groupings for its treadmills: folding and non-folding.

The folding models include the F63, F65, F80, and F85. The F63 and F65 are budget-friendly options priced under $1,400. These models have long-running decks and similar motor sizes.

The F80 and F85 are the original Sole treadmills and offer longer, more robust warranties than the F65 or F63. The F85 has even been upgraded to come with a touchscreen display.

For those who are looking for a non-folding treadmill, Sole Fitness has three options: the T88, ST90, and S77. All three models have 4.0 horsepower motors, 60-inch running decks, and 10-inch displays (not all are touchscreen).

The Sole ST90 is the only slat-belt treadmill from Sole fitness and is the only treadmill in the whole lineup to not have a lifetime warranty. The T88 is considered a light commercial treadmill, while the S77 has features mostly similar to the Sole F85.

Most Sole treadmills come with a price range of $1,200-$3,600, a 60” running surface, top speeds of about 12 MPH, up to 15 incline levels, lifetime warranty on the frame (except for the ST90), Bluetooth speakers, and a cushion flex whisper deck.

When choosing a Sole treadmill, it is important to consider your budget, training goals, and available workout space. If you are looking for a budget-friendly option for your home gym, the F63 or F65 may be a good fit.

If you are training for a marathon or looking for a higher-end option, the F80 or F85 may be a better choice. The non-folding options may be a good fit for those who are looking for a more durable option for their home workout or light commercial use.

No matter which Sole treadmill you choose, you can expect a quality machine that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Sole F63 Treadmill

As someone who is on a budget but still wants a quality treadmill, the Sole F63 caught my attention.

This treadmill has received high praise from various fitness review sites, including being named “Best in its Price Range” by Fit Rated, Run Reviews, and Treadmill Reviews.


  • The Sole F63 comes with a lifetime warranty on both the frame and motor, giving me peace of mind that my investment is protected.
  • Priced around $1,200, the F63 is an affordable option for those who want a sturdy, high-quality treadmill without breaking the bank.
  • The foldable design of the F63 makes it easy to store in smaller spaces.
  • The heart rate monitor included with the F63 allows me to track my heart rate and adjust my workout accordingly.


  • While running on the F63, I noticed that it can be slightly shaky at times.
  • The LCD screen is smaller than other models, which may make it difficult to read for some users.
  • The 3.0 HP motor is not ideal for serious runners or those who want to do high-intensity interval training (HIIT).
  • The running deck of the F63 is more narrow than other Sole models, which may be a drawback for some users.

Overall, the Sole F63 is a solidly built treadmill that is perfect for anyone on a budget.

The Easy Assist Folding Deck Design makes it easy to store, and the high-end rollers create a static-free motion that results in a longer lifespan.

The LCD screen provides real-time statistics to monitor progress towards goals, and the recently released Sole STUDIO programming offers a variety of on-demand classes for just $19.99 per month.

While the F63 may not be the best option for serious runners or those who want a larger LCD screen, it is a great choice for anyone looking for a quality treadmill at an affordable price.

Sole F65 Treadmill

The Sole F65 treadmill is a great option for runners who need a spacious running deck. It is equipped with a powerful motor that can handle speeds of up to 12 MPH and 15 incline levels that simulate hill running, making it an ideal choice for runners looking for a challenge.


  • The F65 is a folding treadmill, which makes it easy to store when not in use.
  • The running deck on the F65 is 60 inches long and 22 inches wide, making it one of the largest running surface areas you’ll find on a treadmill in this price range. This accommodates tall runners and those who need more space.
  • The F65 comes with heart rate monitoring options, including chest strap or pulse grip handles, which provide accurate readings.
  • Transport wheels make it easy to move the treadmill around your home gym.


  • The F65 is very similar to the F63, but costs a few hundred dollars more.
  • The LCD screen on the F65 is basic and may not be as advanced as some users would like.
  • The in-home assembly cost for the F65 is steep.

One of the noticeable upgrades the F65 has over the F63 is the wider running deck, which measures 22 inches wide by 60 inches long. This gives users a more spacious feel and more elbow room near the handrails. Additionally, the F65 is equipped with a more powerful 3.25 HP motor.

The F65 also comes with some great features, including a cooling fan, Bluetooth-enabled speakers, a water bottle holder, and a tablet holder to store your smart device. There are also six preset workouts for you to choose from to do your workout.

Overall, the Sole F65 treadmill is a great option for runners who need a spacious running deck and want a challenge. While it may be a bit more expensive than the F63, the upgrades are worth the investment.

Sole F80 Treadmill


  • The Sole F80 treadmill is not locked into any particular training app, which gives users the freedom to choose the app that suits them best.
  • With a high user weight capacity of 375 lbs, this treadmill is a great option for larger runners looking for a sturdy machine.
  • Financing options are available, making it easier for users to purchase the Sole F80 treadmill.
  • The frame, motor, and deck of the Sole F80 come with a lifetime warranty, giving users peace of mind when making their purchase.


  • The Sole F80 treadmill comes with a non-touchscreen LCD display, which may not be as user-friendly as some of the high-tech options available on the market.
  • While the Sole F80 treadmill is a reliable and sturdy machine, it may not have all the bells and whistles of some of the more high-tech treadmills available.
  • With a price tag of $1,600, the Sole F80 treadmill may not be the most affordable option for all users.
  • The Sole F80 treadmill is a heavy machine, weighing almost 300 lbs, which may make it difficult to move around or store in smaller spaces.

The Sole F80 treadmill is one of the original models introduced by Sole Fitness and has a lot of the same features seen in the F63 and F65 models. However, the Sole F80 stands out with its high user weight capacity and lifetime warranty on the frame, motor, and deck.

While the Sole F80 treadmill may not have all the latest high-tech features, it is a reliable and sturdy machine that has received positive customer feedback and a 4.9 out of 5 stars rating on Google reviews.

Overall, the Sole F80 treadmill is a great option for larger runners looking for a reliable and sturdy treadmill.

Sole F85 Treadmill


  • The Sole F85 treadmill features a 10-inch touchscreen that makes it easy to navigate through the various programs and settings.
  • The treadmill is equipped with a powerful 4.0 HP motor, making it an excellent choice for serious runners who want to train indoors.
  • With a maximum user weight capacity of 400 lbs, the Sole F85 is a great option for larger individuals who want to get in shape.
  • The treadmill’s foldable design makes it easy to store when not in use, making it a great option for those with limited space.
  • The Sole F85 is an excellent value for the price, offering many high-end features at a reasonable cost.


  • The Sole F85 is a heavy machine, weighing over 300 lbs. This can make it difficult to move around and set up.
  • The website does not offer live chat support, which can be frustrating for those who need assistance with the product.
  • The price point of $2,000 may be too high for some individuals who are looking for a more affordable option.

Overall, the Sole F85 is a great treadmill for serious runners who want a powerful motor and a high user weight capacity. While it may be heavy and expensive, the many features and benefits of the Sole F85 make it a worthwhile investment for those who prioritize their fitness.

Sole TT8 Treadmill

The Sole TT8 Treadmill is a high-end luxury treadmill that is perfect for runners looking for both incline and decline training options. It features a 60-inch by 20-inch running surface that can accommodate runners of most heights, and the 2-ply cushioned deck helps to alleviate pressure and impact from the joints.

Although the Sole TT8 does not have a touchscreen display, it does come with a sturdy smart device holder where you can place your smartphone or tablet. You can then stream fitness classes from a third-party app to keep you motivated and entertained.

One of the standout features of the Sole TT8 is its impressive incline and decline range, which allows you to simulate the natural terrain you’d encounter while running outdoors. You can push the grade down to -6% or bump it up to 15%.


  • The Sole TT8 comes equipped with a 10” touchscreen that is easy to use and navigate.
  • The treadmill features a 2-ply belt that provides extra cushioning and durability.
  • It also comes with Bluetooth audio speakers and a USB charging dock.
  • The powerful 4.0 HP motor ensures a smooth and quiet workout experience.
  • The incline and decline training options are perfect for runners who want to simulate outdoor terrain.


  • The Sole TT8 does not come with a chest strap for heart rate monitoring.
  • It only has 9 built-in programs, which is less than other Sole treadmill models.
  • The Sole TT8 is not a folding treadmill, which may be an issue for those with limited space.
  • The treadmill is quite heavy, weighing in at 322 pounds.

One of the things that sets the Sole TT8 apart from other treadmills is its non-folding light commercial design. It is equipped with a powerful 4.0 HP motor and the same 22-inch-by-60-inch running deck as many of Sole’s other models.

The two-ply running belt provides extra cushioning, which not only gives you a more comfortable workout experience but also helps to extend the life of the machine.

Another standout feature of the Sole TT8 is its impressive weight capacity of 400 pounds, making it suitable for a variety of people and even weighted vest workouts.

The 10-inch touchscreen is equipped with an Android processing system, and there is also a tablet holder on this model.

Overall, the Sole TT8 Treadmill is a great choice for runners who want a high-end treadmill with incline and decline training options. While it may not have as many built-in programs as other Sole models, it is still a reliable and durable machine that can help you achieve your fitness goals.

Sole S77 Treadmill

The Sole S77 Treadmill is a durable non-folding machine that is ideal for serious runners who will be logging serious miles. It is one of Sole’s “lite commercial” treadmills that comes with the best features of the brand.

The treadmill has a 22-inch-by-60-inch tread belt with a Cushion Flex Whisper Deck that reduces joint impact by 40% and contributes to a quieter workout.

The 4.0 horsepower DC motor allows the treadmill to achieve speeds from .5-12 MPH and 15 different incline levels. This powerful motor can also support high-frequency and high-volume running, making it a good option for serious runners.

The S77 comes with multiple pre-programmed workouts, including standard, custom, and heart rate. The heart rate training mode automatically adjusts the incline to keep you in the correct target heart rate zone.

There are quick speed and incline buttons on the main display, as well as arrow adjustments on the handrails to easily adjust your workout settings.

The treadmill features Bluetooth technology, allowing you to play your music from the treadmill speakers and transfer your workout data to your favorite fitness tracking app.

There is also a cooling fan and two water bottle holders to keep you comfortable during your workouts.


  • Bluetooth connectivity to free Sole app or choice of other apps
  • Cushioned deck
  • 400-lb user weight capacity
  • Lighter than other Sole treadmill models


  • Simple, 10” LCD display
  • Does not fold
  • Not a high-tech machine
  • $1,900 price tag

Users have noted that the S77 is heavy and difficult to assemble, particularly the plastic arms. They recommend getting someone to help you or purchasing professional assembly.

Some users have also experienced issues with assembly such as missing or broken pieces. However, once the treadmill is assembled correctly, it is a solid machine that provides quiet workouts.

The S77 is the most affordable non-folding machine in this series. It has many of the same features as the F85, including motor power, weight capacity, and running belt.

The price is nearly the same, too. The difference is the weight of the S77, which is lighter, and the display, which is a 10-inch LCD backlit screen.

I like that this model comes with a heart rate monitor chest strap that connects wirelessly to the display on the LCD monitor. It can also automatically adjust the incline to keep you in your target heart rate zone when you select the heart rate mode on the preset programs.

Sole ST90 Treadmill

The Sole ST90 treadmill is a slat-belt treadmill that is perfect for runners who prefer the slat-belt design for optimal running technique.

It has a 2 Horsepower AC motor, a 20-inch-by-60-inch running belt, and a 10.1” touch screen display. The ST90 works with Sole’s fitness app STUDIO, which offers more than 3,000 classes to use with and without your treadmill.


  • The ST90 has a slat belt design that increases safety and comfort while decreasing wear and friction. The thick rubber slats absorb the impact of running and recruit the correct muscles.
  • It has 29 preset workout programs that cater to different fitness levels and goals.
  • The treadmill can accommodate a user weight of up to 330 lbs, making it suitable for a wide range of users.
  • It has a 10.1-inch touchscreen display that can stream workouts or your favorite shows via screen mirroring technology. You can also play your phone’s music through the treadmill speakers.


  • The Sole ST90 treadmill does not come with a lifetime warranty, unlike other Sole treadmills.
  • It has a 2 HP AC motor, which is less powerful than other Sole treadmill models.
  • The ST90 is not a folding treadmill, which may be an issue for those with limited space.
  • The treadmill is quite heavy, weighing in at 376 lbs.

Users who have used the Sole ST90 treadmill have reported positive experiences with the treadmill. They liked that the treadmill adjusted speed and incline quickly but wished there were quicker speed adjustment buttons. They also found the treadmill sturdy and quiet.

The Sole ST90 is a non-folding model that comes with 29 preset programs, including seven military-specific programs. The slat belt and the sleek design of the ST90 are some of the standout features.

However, the fact that this treadmill doesn’t have the same lifetime warranty as the other Sole treadmills and the less powerful 2.0 HP motor may be a concern for some users.

Despite these drawbacks, the Sole ST90 is a solid choice for runners who prefer the slat-belt design and are willing to invest in a high-quality treadmill.

What to Look For in Sole Fitness Treadmills

When searching for a Sole Fitness treadmill, it’s important to consider your specific needs.

Sole treadmills are designed to cater to serious runners, but they also come with a variety of features that can enhance your workout experience.

Some of the key features to look for include a folding design for easy storage, an integrated tablet holder, and Bluetooth connectivity for wireless syncing of workout data.

Additionally, Sole treadmills come equipped with heart rate monitoring technology, built-in fans, and pre-programmed workouts to help you achieve your fitness goals. It’s important to determine which features are most important to you before making a purchase.

Sole Brand Policies


Sole Fitness offers an impressive lifetime warranty on the frame, motor, and deck for all treadmills except the ST90.

This goes above and beyond what is typically seen in home treadmills. In addition to manufacturing defects, Sole Fitness also covers wear and tear, providing customers with added value.


Sole Fitness provides a free 30-day trial for most treadmills, allowing customers to ensure their satisfaction with the product. Unlike other fitness brands, Sole Fitness covers the shipping cost and does not charge a restocking fee.


Citizens Pay Line of Credit Account through Citizens Bank offers financing options for most Sole Fitness cardio equipment. Depending on the customer’s credit score, some purchases may qualify for 0% financing for the first 12 months, while others will have a standard purchase rate of 29.99% APR.

Sole Fitness upholds its warranty and return policies, although customers may need to contact them via phone or email, as there is no live chat function on the website.

The brand’s commitment to providing added value through their warranty coverage and free shipping and restocking for returns makes them a strong contender in the fitness equipment market.

Final Verdict of Sole Treadmill Reviews

In my opinion, Sole Fitness offers a great line of treadmills that are worth considering if you have a budget of over $1,000.

All of their models, except for the Sole ST90, come with a lifetime warranty on the frame, which is a great added benefit.

One of the things I appreciate about Sole treadmills is that they come with preset programs that are hardwired into the machine and do not require an internet connection. This means that you won’t be locked into just one fitness app, which is a great feature.

Additionally, Sole Fitness has an app that allows you to collect your workout data from your treadmill sessions and share it with other apps like Apple Health, Fitbit, MapMyFitness, Facebook, and Twitter.

Overall, I believe that Sole Fitness offers quality treadmills with great features and benefits for those who are willing to invest in their home fitness equipment.

FAQs About Sole Treadmills

Does Sole make a quality treadmill?

Sole Fitness is known for producing treadmills that are built to last. With a lifetime warranty on the frame, motor, and deck for most of their models, you can feel confident in your investment. Sole treadmills are also backed up with a reputation for durability, making them a reliable option for runners and walkers alike.

Do Sole treadmills have a folding option?

Yes, some of Sole’s models feature a folding option. The F63, F65, F80, and F85 are all folding treadmills, making them a great choice for those who are tight on space.

How long can you expect a Sole treadmill to last?

With a lifetime warranty on the frame, motor, and deck for most models, you can expect your Sole treadmill to last for many years. However, it’s important to keep up with regular maintenance to ensure your machine stays in top condition. This includes wiping surfaces, vacuuming dust, and lubricating the belt.

How much does a Sole treadmill weigh?

Sole Fitness treadmills vary in weight, with models ranging from 254 pounds to 376 pounds. It’s important to keep this in mind when selecting a treadmill and considering the space you have available.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the key features of the Sole F63 treadmill?

The Sole F63 treadmill boasts several features that make it stand out from other treadmills in its price range. Some of its key features include a powerful motor, a spacious running surface, adjustable incline, Bluetooth connectivity, and a user-friendly console.

How does the Sole F80 compare to other treadmills in its price range?

The Sole F80 is a high-end treadmill that offers exceptional value for its price. It has a powerful motor, a large running surface, adjustable incline, and a variety of workout programs. Compared to other treadmills in its price range, the Sole F80 is known for its durability, reliability, and user-friendly interface.

Is the Sole brand known for producing high-quality treadmills?

Yes, the Sole brand is well-known for producing high-quality treadmills that are built to last. Sole treadmills are known for their powerful motors, spacious running surfaces, and user-friendly consoles. They are also known for their durability and reliability, making them a popular choice among fitness enthusiasts.

What are some benefits of purchasing a refurbished Sole treadmill?

Purchasing a refurbished Sole treadmill can be a cost-effective way to get a high-quality treadmill at a lower price. Refurbished treadmills have been inspected and tested to ensure that they meet the same standards as new treadmills. Additionally, refurbished treadmills often come with a warranty, giving buyers peace of mind.

What sets the Sole 370s treadmill apart from other models?

The Sole 370s treadmill is a high-end model that offers several features that set it apart from other treadmills. It has a powerful motor, a large running surface, adjustable incline, and a variety of workout programs. Additionally, it has a user-friendly console that allows users to easily track their progress and adjust their workout settings.

Are there any notable drawbacks to the Sole F65 treadmill?

While the Sole F65 treadmill is a high-quality treadmill, there are a few drawbacks to consider. One drawback is that it has a slightly smaller running surface than some other models, which may not be ideal for taller users. Additionally, it may be slightly more expensive than some other treadmills in its price range.

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